
North American 3 Hockey League

United States

MHR Abbv. NA3HL Commissioner Coming Soon
Location United States League Contact Coming Soon
Website http://na3hl.com/ Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Junior Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
NA3HL 34 Helena Bighorns (NA3HL) (89.42) 85.80
NA3HL - Central 6 Wausau Cyclones (NA3HL) (88.71) 87.12
NA3HL - East 6 Northeast Generals (NA3HL) (87.56) 85.33
NA3HL - Frontier 8 Helena Bighorns (NA3HL) (89.42) 85.36
NA3HL - South 8 New Mexico Ice Wolves (NA3HL) (87.81) 84.97
NA3HL - West 6 Granite City Lumberjacks (NA3HL) (89.32) 86.65
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