
Independent - Girls

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
Girls College
Indep Womens D3 4 Worcester State Lancers (90.96) 88.00
NCAA D1 Womens 42 Minnesota Gophers (99.99) 95.38
NCAA D3 Womens 72 Gustavus Adolphus Golden Gusties (96.60) 92.03
USports Womens 35 UBC Thunderbirds (99.99) 97.24
Girls Midget
Canada Girls Prep 34 Rink Hockey Academy Kelowna Girls Prep (98.89) 94.29
Connecticut Girls HS 21 Darien HS (91.37) 86.79
CPC 19U 5 (n/a) 0.00
Dynamo Prep League 8 Omaha Lady Jr Lancers 19U (90.21) 90.21
Indep Girls Prep 16 Shattuck St Mary's (#1) 19U Prep (99.99) 94.10
Indep Canada Girls U18 17 Fort Erie International Falcons Girls Prep (91.21) 89.41
Indep Canada Girls U22 5 Lakeshore Lightning U22 A (91.37) 91.11
Indep USA Girls 16U Tier 1 20 Chicago Mission 16U (96.60) 93.47
Indep USA Girls 16U Tier 2 34 Valley Jr Warriors (Blue) 16U (92.41) 87.95
Indep USA Girls 19U Tier 1 16 Bishop Kearney Selects 19U (98.74) 94.69
Indep USA Girls 19U Tier 2 48 Syracuse Valley Eagles 19U (94.75) 88.79
LHPS M17 0 (n/a) 0.00
MAGHL AA HS 8 Visitation (AA) Girls HS (87.85) 86.56
MAGHL A HS 9 (n/a) 0.00
Maryland Girls HS 22 North Eastern Girls HS (89.15) 87.42
MGHCA 19U 6 MN Premier Prep Royal 19U (93.40) 90.88
MI HS - MGHSHL 19 University Liggett School HS (86.48) 81.32
Michigan Girls HS - All Teams 19 University Liggett School HS (86.48) 81.32
Mid-Atlantic Independent Girls HS 6 Cranford Girls HS (75.25) 75.25
Minnesota Girls HS - All Teams 111 Andover HS (99.52) 91.69
Minnesota Girls HS - Class A 49 Warroad HS (98.87) 89.71
Minnesota Girls HS - Class AA 61 Andover HS (99.52) 93.30
MN Girls Winter 19U 5 (n/a) 0.00
MSHL Girls HS 5 North Eastern Girls HS (89.15) 89.15
NAPHA Girls Prep 10 Gilmour Academy Girls Prep (96.38) 93.74
NE Girls Prep - EIL 7 Portsmouth Abbey School Girls Prep (93.57) 90.83
NE Girls Prep - Founders 6 Kent School Girls Prep (96.82) 94.96
NE Girls Prep - Independent 29 Williston Northampton School Girls Prep (98.13) 92.93
NE Girls Prep - ISL 13 Tabor Academy Girls Prep (97.33) 94.32
New England Girls Prep 56 Williston Northampton School Girls Prep (98.13) 93.30
New Jersey Girls HS 15 Morristown-Beard School Girls HS (87.19) 81.74
New York Girls HS 26 Adirondack United HS (93.49) 88.59
NJ HS - Cohen 7 Immaculate Heart Academy Girls HS (84.73) 80.09
NJ HS - Librera 6 Morristown-Beard School Girls HS (87.19) 84.74
Ontario U18 B 70 Lucan Irish U18 B (89.75) 86.28
Ontario U18 BB 60 Napanee Crunch U18 BB (91.24) 88.19
Ontario U18 C 19 Mitchell Meteors U18 C (86.58) 84.31
Wisconsin Girls HS 29 Superior HS (92.26) 87.75
Girls Bantam
Indep Canada Girls U15 18 Thunder Bay Queens U15 AA (94.43) 92.33
Indep USA Girls 14U Tier 1 16 Pittsburgh Penguins Elite 14U (98.53) 94.16
Indep USA Girls 14U Tier 2 42 Steel City Selects 14U (92.40) 86.92
Minn-Kota Girls 15U A 35 West Fargo Stampede 15U A (96.22) 91.53
Minn-Kota Girls 15U B 49 Grand Rapids-Greenway 15U B (91.17) 85.87
NB Girls U15 AAA 4 Moncton Rockets U15 AAA (93.73) 91.45
Ontario U15 B 63 Sudbury Lady Wolves U15 B (89.56) 85.59
Ontario U15 BB 56 Stoney Creek Sabres U15 BB (90.87) 88.24
Ontario U15 C 27 Chatsworth Rebels U15 C (86.00) 82.65
Girls Peewee
Indep Canada U13 Girls 22 North Island Impact U13 AAA (93.67) 88.46
Indep USA 12U Girls 64 Windy City Storm 12U (98.47) 89.60
Minn-Kota Girls 12U A 58 Woodbury Predators 12U A (98.42) 93.17
Minn-Kota Girls 12U B 125 Woodbury Predators (Black) 12U B1 (93.30) 86.19
Ontario U13 B 72 Temiskaming Shores Puckhounds U13 B (92.18) 86.47
Ontario U13 BB 43 Timmins Falcons U13 BB (92.75) 88.71
Ontario U13 C 31 Wingham 86ers U13 C (88.16) 83.98
Girls Squirt
Indep Canada U11 Girls 26 Oakville Hornets U11 AA Girls (82.9) 80.1
Indep USA 10U Girls 47 Pittsburgh Penguins Elite (Gastgeb) 10U Girls (80.7) 70.7
Minnesota Girls 10U A 44 Roseville-Mahtomedi Marauders 10U A Girls (85.1) 80.1
Minnesota Girls 10U B 146 Hopkins/St Louis Park 10U B1 Girls (80.1) 71.9
Crossbar Cloche