
South Central Alberta Hockey League

Rural Southern Alberta

MHR Abbv. SCAHL Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Rural Southern Alberta League Contact Coming Soon
Website http://www.scahl.com/ Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth Social Media Coming Soon

Affiliated with this league? League accounts are coming soon!

Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
SCAHL U18 AA Calgary 8 Calgary NWCAA Stamps U18 AA (90.96) 89.57
SCAHL U18 AA North 6 West Central Tigers U18 AA (88.76) 87.35
SCAHL U18 AA South 6 Wheatland Chiefs U18 AA (90.31) 88.48
SCAHL U16 AA Calgary 8 (n/a) 0.00
SCAHL U16 AA Rural 7 (n/a) 0.00
SCAHL Bantam AA North 6 Olds Grizzlys AA (86.94) 85.01
SCAHL Bantam AA South 6 Wheatland Warriors AA (86.77) 85.02
SCAHL Peewee AA North 8 Bow Valley Timberwolves AA (88.47) 85.88
SCAHL Peewee AA South 9 Wheatland Braves AA (86.09) 82.40
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